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Fight Against Large-scale Corruption and Organised Crime Networks

The FALCON project (Fight Against Large-scale Corruption and Organised Crime Networks) aims to counter the increasing complexity of corruption activities by supporting the implementation, updating and management of a corruption intelligence framework. The project follows a data-driven, multi-actor and evidence-based approach, making use of pre-existing resources and in synergy with previous projects carried out by the partners of the consortium.

First, FALCON will develop and validate indicators of corruption phenomena – individual and composite – that can be used to inform policy decisions and law enforcement activities. Then, data analysis tools and applications will be designed, implemented, and integrated to support the management of the entire lifecycle of the intelligence framework. This will enable comprehensive corruption risk assessment, informed policy formulation, and improved anti-corruption enforcement.

Transcrime will lead the research and mapping of trends and modi operandi of corrupt activities, providing its specialised expertise in financial crime and organised crime and complementing it with the use of indicators and corruption risk assessment. Besides Transcrime, the consortium involves research centres and universities, technology and data analytics companies, police forces and anti-corruption authorities from several European countries.

More information

The FALCON project was funded by the European Commission within the Horizon Europe programme, under grant agreement No. 101121281. The content of this page represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility.


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